संस्थागत मागपत्र प्रमाणीकरणको प्रक्रिया

संस्थागत मागपत्र प्रमाणीकरणको प्रक्रिया

Institutional Demand attestation will be fully online effective from 16 July 2024 with simplified procedures. Please follow the following procedures:
The Embassy of Nepal in Muscat is pleased to announce the launch of e-portal for streamlining the Institutional Demand Attestation Process. The e-portal should be used by all our valued Recruiters/Employers in Oman to initiate the process of recruiting Nepali workers. The e-portal has been launched to simplify the procedure, enhance the transparency, provide real-time updates and reduce the task of carrying physical documents to the Embassy premises. We believe that you would find it very convenient to complete the whole process of recruitment through online. Please Note that Institutional Demand Letters Attestation will be done only through the e-portal effective from 16 July 2024 and No physical Documents will be accepted at the Embassy.

Kindly click on the link below for the e-portal and follow the steps to be completed below-mentioned:

E-portal for Institutional Demand Attestation Process

(User Manual is available in the e-portal)

1) FIRST STEP: - Companies need to REGISTER on this e-portal.

2) SECOND STEP: - The Embassy will APPROVE the Registration of the Company.

3) THIRD STEP: - Companies need to CREATE DEMAND through this e-portal (Click here to know about the list of REQUIRED DOCUMENTS).

4) FOURTH STEP: - The Embassy will APPROVE the Demand Letter Attestation.

5) FIFTH STEP: - Companies will have to visit the Embassy with approved 1-page Document. After payment of Revenue, the attested documents will be COMPLETED and forwarded to Department of Foreign Employment, Nepal (FEMIS System) online.


The Embassy, therefore, humbly requests you to please register your company on the e-portal so that it could be used for recruiting Nepali workers, whenever you have the requirement. Please keep the Login ID and password safe for your future usage.

The Embassy thanks for the support and wishes to collaborate as well as maintain a long-term relationship with you.

Note: This e-portal can be used only for Institutional Demand Letter Attestation.

For Individual Demand (Recruitments) Attestation, Please visit our website for more details: (Click here for Individual Demand)

If you have any confusion please feel free to contact our Embassy Staff:

( If you are not satisfied with our service or unnecessarily demand attestation process is delayed, please don"t hesitate to complain to the grievance handling officer or to H. E. the Ambassador (ambassador.oman@mofa.gov.np).

Tel: +968 24696177; +968 24696883
Hotline number of Embassy +968 71592490/71592506 (Call during office hours. In case of serious matters/emergency you may call at any time )
Email: eonmuscat@mofa.gov.np ; eonmuscat@gmail.com

Labour Wing: eonmuscatlabour@mofa.gov.np / eonmuscatlabour@gmail.com (Kindly mail on these IDs for Labour related Matters)